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Skin Cancer Check

Take a Picture and Screen for:

Selfie girl.png
Skin Cancer
Skin Conditions

Results in:

5 Seconds




$2.50 for 5 AI checks 
$1.25 for 5 checks (Developing markets)
NGO & Corporate (On Application)

Meet Helfie's Skin AI:

Worried about a mole?

Take A Picture.
And check it now.

Welcome to Easy, Quick, AI-Powered Skin Cancer Check

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Helfie's Skin AI, SAI, will assess your image for signs of skin cancer within seconds.

In Brief Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer globally, with an estimated 9.9 million new cases diagnosed each year - and unfortunately many millions more left undaignosed. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Melanoma is the least common but most dangerous type, accounting for the majority of skin cancer deaths. The incidence of skin cancer is increasing worldwide, with rates up to three times higher than they were in the 1980s in some countries. Risk factors for skin cancer include exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds, fair skin, a family history of skin cancer, and a weakened immune system. Skin cancer is highly curable when detected and treated early, but can be deadly if left untreated or diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Why Check? Regular checking for skin cancer is important because early detection is key to successful treatment. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it can occur in people of all ages and skin types. Checking for skin cancer involves checking your skin for any suspicious moles, growths, or spots that could indicate the presence of cancer. Early detection allows for treatment before the cancer has a chance to spread to other parts of the body, which can greatly improve the chances of successful treatment. Detecting skin cancer early is crucial because it is highly curable when caught in its early stages. However, if left undetected and untreated, skin cancer can spread to other parts of the body, leading to potentially fatal consequences. For example, melanoma, a type of skin cancer, can spread quickly and aggressively if left untreated. If it reaches an advanced stage, it can be difficult to treat and may become life-threatening. In addition, regular checking can help identify areas of the skin that may be at increased risk for cancer, allowing for early intervention to prevent the development of skin cancer. Whilst it is recommended that individuals perform regular self-examinations of their skin and have regular check-ups with a dermatologist or other healthcare professional who can evaluate any concerning changes in the skin, this isn't always possible. This is where Helfie steps in by making everyday checking possible. In short, the importance of early detection of skin cancer cannot be overstated. By being vigilant about monitoring your skin for changes and seeking medical attention when necessary, you can protect yourself against the potentially devastating consequences of advanced.

It's that easy. 

Depending on the risk assessed, Helfie AI may suggest what you should do next medically and practically.

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In Brief Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer globally, with an estimated 9.9 million new cases diagnosed each year - and unfortunately many millions more left undaignosed. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Melanoma is the least common but most dangerous type, accounting for the majority of skin cancer deaths. The incidence of skin cancer is increasing worldwide, with rates up to three times higher than they were in the 1980s in some countries. Risk factors for skin cancer include exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds, fair skin, a family history of skin cancer, and a weakened immune system. Skin cancer is highly curable when detected and treated early, but can be deadly if left untreated or diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Why Check? Regular screening for skin cancer is important because early detection is key to successful treatment. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it can occur in people of all ages and skin types. Screening for skin cancer involves checking your skin for any suspicious moles, growths, or spots that could indicate the presence of cancer. Early detection allows for treatment before the cancer has a chance to spread to other parts of the body, which can greatly improve the chances of successful treatment. Detecting skin cancer early is crucial because it is highly curable when caught in its early stages. However, if left undetected and untreated, skin cancer can spread to other parts of the body, leading to potentially fatal consequences. For example, melanoma, a type of skin cancer, can spread quickly and aggressively if left untreated. If it reaches an advanced stage, it can be difficult to treat and may become life-threatening. In addition, regular screening can help identify areas of the skin that may be at increased risk for cancer, allowing for early intervention to prevent the development of skin cancer. Whilst it is recommended that individuals perform regular self-examinations of their skin and have regular check-ups with a dermatologist or other healthcare professional who can evaluate any concerning changes in the skin, this isn't always possible. This is where Helfie steps in by making everyday screening possible. In short, the importance of early detection of skin cancer cannot be overstated. By being vigilant about monitoring your skin for changes and seeking medical attention when necessary, you can protect yourself against the potentially devastating consequences of advanced skin cancer.

Clear next steps. 

Connect to
a Doctor for a diagnosis.

If there's any risk detected Helfie AI, you can send your image to a real doctor for a medical diagnosis.

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Be Informed 

Each time you screen with Helfie AI, you get loads of options and features designed to give you instant access to the information you need to make informed health choices.

Possible Conditions

Helfie Ai will let you know what the conditions are for each risk profile. 

Compare your mole 

Compare your mole for yourself against the medically diagnosed dataset that Helfie AI has been trained on. 

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AI Confidence 

How confident is Helfie AI that is has got your risk profile right?

Chat with our AI and dig deeper.

Conversations with Helfie AI can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to better understand the results of their health vitals, such as blood pressure, HRV, heart rate, blood oxygen, and more. Through these conversations, individuals can ask questions, receive personalized explanations, and explore each condition in greater detail, ask the AI to analyze charts and trends. Helfie AI can provide a wealth of information on the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments for each condition, as well as offer insights into lifestyle modifications and other interventions that can improve overall health. By engaging in conversations with Helfie AI, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their health vitals and be better informed when it comes to making decisions around their health and well-being. Helfie AI brings this powerful search service to you in conjunction with Open AI.

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Skin check history in one place.

Every AI assessment, Doctors diagnosis you do using Helfie AI is kept on record.

Meet SAI,
Helfie's Skin AI. 

About SAI

SAI, short for Skin AI, is Helfie’s intelligent skin algorithm engineered upon a type of artificial intelligence called a machine learning model. SAI analyses images of moles to determine accurately the risk of skin cancer. SAI has been trained ondata from people who have been medically diagnosed with different types of skin conditions, such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and other possible skin conditions. The aforementioned data is implemented to train SAI on e different characteristics of various skin conditions, thereby enabling it to learn about which attributes of shape, size, and colour of the mole or lesion are indicative of potential malignancy. When an image of a mole or lesion is captured via a mobile device, SAI analyses the image and compares it to the data it has acquired, taking into account relevant parameters. Based on this analysis, the algorithm then determines whether the mole or lesion is likely to present a risk of skin cancer and provide detailed information for that specific skin condition profile. [SAI's remarkable ability to analyse and interpret images of moles and lesions with a high level of accuracy has been validated through rigorous testing and validation processes.] Its innovative algorithm, coupled with its dataset of skin conditions, enables it to identify potential malignancies and provide information for skin condition profiles . SAI's non-invasive and user-friendly interface, combined with its ability to check regularly and detect potential skin cancers at an early stage, makes it a useful tool for individuals seeking to monitor and maintain their skin health. While SAI's technology is relatively new, its performance and cutting-edge design indicate its potential as an important resource for detecting skin cancer at an early stage, improving outcomes for patients and healthcare providers alike.

SAI's Stats

SAI’s Stats. SAI checks for skin cancer using an innovative approach. Before assessing moles or marks on the skin, it first determines whether it is looking at skin. [It achieves an accuracy of 91% in classifying skin (with a specificity of 90%) and a 96% accuracy in detecting and checkinging lesions for signs of skin cancer (with a specificity of 91%). These performance numbers indicate that SAI is a highly effective checking tool for skin cancer. With an accuracy of 96% in detecting and checkng lesions, it demonstrates a high level of sensitivity in identifying potential signs of skin cancer.] Tests indicate a relatively low rate of false positives, enhancing SAI’s reliability. Overall, SAI's performance is very good for a checking tool. Its ability to classify skin accurately and detect skin cancer lesions demonstrates its potential in assisting with early detection and promoting proactive skin health.

Skin Classifier Algorithm



Lesion Detector Algorithm



"You should get that looked at!"

How many times have you thought that to yourself, perhaps said it to someone, or had it said to you?

When it comes to our health, actions speak louder than words.  

Unfortunately, mo
st of the time, people don't act when it comes to skin cancer checking.

Helfie AI makes it possible to check family members, friends, colleagues, boyfriends, and girlfriends for skin cancers quickly the moment you notice anything concerning on their body.

No need to nag anymore, just grab your phone and take a pic.


Regular Skin Cancer Screening - It Makes a Difference Regular skin cancer checking is an essential part of maintaining good health and wellbeing. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in many parts of the world, and the vast majority of skin cancer deaths are preventable tragedies with early detection. By getting your moles checked regularly, you can catch skin cancer early, when it is treatable. The reality is that early detection saves lives. Skin cancer can affect anyone, so it's important to be proactive about your health. Remember, skin cancer is a preventable tragedy. Regular checking for skin cancer is a small step that can make a big difference in your health and wellbeing.

Super easy & potentially super rewarding skin cancer check.

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